- General site usage sequence
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Site map
- Signup / Profile - account creation, set localtime, language, additional information, Telegram bot access (under construction)
(!) account also will be created automatically along with your first order (New order) - New order - choose plan, payment
- Orders - your orders list
- Invoices - list of your invoices, creating invoice for BALANCE REFILL
- Balance - log of your payments and expenses
- PANEL - your control panel: turn on numbers, read SMS, prolongate expired
- Chatroom: chat with operator in worktime
- Tickets: correspondence with operator, notifications from operator
- Currency rates to U.S.Dollar for cryptocurrencies and RUR (used to calculate payments, taken from Poloniex and Central Bank of Russia)
- Guestbook - guestbook for feedbacks
- How to make an order?
- First of all, state all the necessary parameters of your order
- What other services do you provide?
- Longtime and one time phone numbers for SMS verifications (real SIM cards)
- Web-services registration with SMS verifications on your behalf (for extra fee)
- Proxy and escrow for the purchases on Russian language Internet marketplaces, non-criminal items,
products and services from Russian language web services. The fee is 15%
($10 minimum) of purchase cost, including escrow (scam safe for you).
- Other services - specify what do you need and we shall tell you whether we can help.
- I still have questions
- Operator is available for chat at worktime (daily, from 11am till 3pm GMT except Saturdays) in CHATROOM or via messengers (Telegram @virtualsim, Jabber vsim@xmpp.jp)
You can also email us to support at virtualsim.net (checked once a day) or CREATE TICKET. Your feedbacks are welcome in GUESTBOOK
Operator on duty can process your ticket or number request, if applicable. Strict worktime is not defined, but usually it's 2-4 hours before and after the main worktime, and also on Saturday.